/Wednesday, June 19, 2019 10:30 AM to 12:00 PM with Lunch included
Sponsored by Banner Engineering Corp
Maximizing efficiencies within manufacturing has never been easier. Thanks to wireless technologies from Banner tracking the temperature and vibration of every critical motor in your plant, monitoring tank levels, replenishing inventory, and increased productivity are all elements we can track in real time. Manufactures are going way beyond standard practices in Continuous Improvement (CI) as they seek to improve their industrial operations. Join us for the Smart Factory 4.0 Power Lunch and arm your company for the future.
What you will learn:
• What 4.0 Leaders are doing differently to achieve trans-formative outcomes.
• How 4.0 drives digital transformation.
• The global state of 4.0 programs.
• Which organization structures and budget constraints emerge among 4.0 programs.
• What technology choices 4.0 leaders make.
• Why legacy (antiquated) manufacturing systems and business systems impact 4.0 pro-grams.
• Five best practices for a successful 4.0 program.
Who is the Instructor?
Steve Kaminski from Banner Engineering specializing in wireless technology creating a visual predictive factory. https://www.linkedin.com/in/steve-kaminski-29615931/
How do I register?
Email us the contact information of those coming to sales@industrialcontrol.com
Industrial Control
9267 Riley Street
Zeeland, MI 49464