ViDi Systems wins TÜV SÜD Innovation Award
/Swiss company ViDi Systems is the winner of the second TÜV SÜD Innovation Award for Digitized Industries. The award was presented at the Smart Factory Innovation Forum, hosted by TÜV SÜD and munich network in Munich. The Innovation Award, which comes with EUR 6,000 in prize money, acknowledges companies that develop new, particularly promising solutions in the field of industry 4.0 which have proved fit for the market in at least one project.
ViDi Systems SA has its headquarters in the Swiss canton of Fribourg and was founded in 2012. “ViDi Systems’ ‘ViDi Suite’ enables computers and robots to recognise and understand images”, said Karsten Xander, Member of the Board of Management of TÜV SÜD AG, at the award ceremony. Among its other features, the solution facilitates human-robot interaction. Its complex image-analysis software helps machines to analyse their environment and use the results for self-learning. “With ViDi Suite, computers learn in the same way as children do”, explained Nicolas Corsi, CEO of ViDi Systems. “We show them examples and enable them to generalise from these sample images.” This is achieved through a “deep learning” program that uses machine learning to continuously improve performance.
The technology used in ViDi Systems allows complex visual inspection processes, such as those used for surfaces in the field of automatic production machines, to be digitised and thus accelerated. “ViDi Suite has proved its advantages in field tests and projects involving around 20 customers”, explained Dr Armin Pfoh, Vice President Innovation Management TÜV SÜD. The system is relatively easy to implement and low-maintenance, and can be flexibly customised to the customer’s needs. Fields of application include the pharmaceutical, automotive, textile and print industries, logistics companies and the watchmaking industry.
The presentation of the TÜV SÜD Innovation Award marked the conclusion and highlight of the Smart Factory Innovation Forum, hosted by TÜV SÜD and munich network on 24 September 2015. The event, held this year for the second time, provides a networking platform for startups and established companies and helps to make innovations ready for the market.
The presentation of the TÜV SÜD Innovation Award for Digitized Industries underlines TÜV SÜD’s own commitment in the field of Industry 4.0. The company offers a broad service portfolio, including comprehensive services in the fields of operational safety, IT security and analytics. The services offered extend from testing and certification services to consulting and training.
About ViDi Suite
ViDi offers the first ready-to-use Deep Learning-based software dedicated to robotics and industrial image analysis. ViDi Suite is a field-tested, optimized and reliable software solution based on a state-of-the-art set of algorithms in Machine Learning. It allows tackling otherwise impossible to program recognition, tracking, inspection and classification challenges. To learn more, please visit